The purpose of the Transboundary Impact Assessment of Wastewater Infrastructure Projects in Ambos Nogales is to identify changes in the quality of life in Nogales, Arizona and Nogales, Sonora, resulting from the implementation of those projects. This report presents the results and recommendations of the study funded by the North American Development Bank (NADB) to evaluate the applicable infrastructure projects. The study was conducted by El Colegio de la Frontera Norte, the University of Arizona and El Colegio de Chihuahua.
To establish context, it is important to describe the two infrastructure projects involved, which include the Rehabilitation and Expansion of the Nogales International Wastewater Treatment Plant (NIWTP) in Nogales, Arizona, and the Rehabilitation of the Wastewater Collection System in Nogales, Sonora. These two communities are sister cities separated only by the international boundary line between Mexico and the United States and have become known locally as “Ambos Nogales.”
The proposed objective of the study was addressed using both quantitative and qualitative methods. From a quantitative standpoint, official data of various urban development indicators were reviewed for both cities to establish baselines for conditions in the different sectors before and after project implementation. The qualitative approach refers to the perception or opinion of local residents regarding the quality of life in their cities after implementation of both projects.