
Playas de Rosarito, Baja California, Mexico

Basic Urban Infrastructure Project in Playas de Rosarito, Baja California

Status: Completed


According to the 2014-2016 Municipal Development Plan (MDP) of Playas de Rosarito, water coverage in the municipality is at 92%, wastewater collection coverage at 65% and wastewater treatment coverage at 99% of the wastewater collected. Paving coverage in the urban area is at 22%. There is a large number of un paved streets throughout the residential areas of the city, as well as some high-traffic paved areas that are in poor condition. The plan also indicates that street lighting coverage in 2013 was at 70.7%, with approximately 4,568 installed lamps.

In recent years, the municipality has experienced accelerated growth that has increased the need for additional urban infrastructure, as well as municipal services and maintenance activities. The sponsor has made ongoing investments in street paving and roadway improvements, including works previously certified by BECC and financed by NADB in 2007, which have been completed. The existing NADB loan will be refinanced to obtain better financial terms and conditions, thereby allowing the Municipality to apply part of the savings toward investments to meet these additional infrastructure needs.


The project includes increasing and improving street paving coverage and other roadway improvements, replacing aging water and wastewater infrastructure and improving the public lighting system. It includes the installation of the following components:

  • First-time road paving for an area of approximately 34,518 square meters, rehabilitation of approximately 39,676 square meters of paved roads in poor conditions, and other works to improve and maintain adequate mobility.
  • Replacement of approximately 2,057 linear feet of water
    pipelines and 11 water hookups.
  • Replacement of approximately 1,351 linear feet of existing sewer
    lines and 30 wastewater connections.
  • Replacement of 396 existing lamps for street lighting with 213-
    watt LED lamps and related wiring.


Paving works will help reduce vehicular traffic congestion at peak hours and improve urban mobility. Expected outcomes include the reduction of 32.8 metric tons/year of PM10, 77.43 kg/year of volatile organic compounds (VOC), 491 kg/year of carbon monoxide (CO) and 157.54 kg/years of nitrogen oxides (NOx).

The replacement of street lamps will help reduce energy consumption by approximately 9.6% per year, resulting in an estimated displacement of 33 metric tons/year of carbon dioxide (CO2).

Additionally, the project will also contribute to the provision of adequate water and wastewater services.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 14.83M
NADBank Funding US 13.65M - NADBank Loan
Other Funding Partners Market - rate loan