
Magdalena , Sonora, Mexico

Drinking Water System Improvements in Magdalena, Sonora

Status: Completed


According to a system improvement plan completed in 2017, OOMAPAS currently serves about 9,827 active water accounts. Drinking water is supplied by six active wells that have an estimated average flow of 3,522 gallons per minute. OOMAPAS extracts 1.85 billion gallons of water a year from the wells, but the volume billed is only 792 million gallons/year, which means that nearly 60% of the volume supplied is being lost through line breaks and leaks.


The project consists of establishing three hydrometric sectors in the areas known as San Isidro, Fátima and El Polvorín. The CAP grant will be used to help fund the installation of residential meters, macro-meters, telemetry and well site improvements in the three sectors, as well as purchase the backhoe.


The purpose of the Project is to improve access to sustainable drinking water service for 3,207 existing connections by assuring adequate water supply, improving service reliability and introducing system redundancy. These improvements are expected to reduce water losses to no more than 20% in each sector, saving approximately 1 million cubic meters (264 million gallons) per year, as well as prevent incidents of low pressure and service interruptions, which will help reduce health risks associated with waterborne diseases.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US $3.2M
Other Funding Partners Federal and state funds.