
Maverick County, Texas, USA

Landfill Expansion Project in Maverick County, Texas

Status: Completed


The El Indio Municipal Solid Waste Facility serves all Maverick County and on average receives less than 130 tons a day. As of October 2018, the landfill had an estimated 15.6 months of remaining operational life. Therefore, Cells No. 1 and 2 are expected to reach design capacity in or around February 2020. For this reason, the County is planning to expand the landfill with the construction of Cell No. 3.


The project consists of expanding the landfill by constructing a third cell, which includes constructing an underdrain system, liner system, leachate collection system, and access road extensions. Cell No. 3 is designed to hold up to 312,500 tons of solid waste, which is equivalent to approximately 6.7 years of useful life.


The purpose of the project is to provide adequate solid waste disposal services for the residents of Maverick County and thus minimize the potential for illegal dumping and the associated environmental and health risks. The project is expected to generate environmental and human health benefits by providing additional capacity to continue managing the proper disposal of approximately 150 tons of solid waste a day in full compliance with applicable regulations.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 3.5M
NADBank Funding US $2.8M - NADBank Loan
US $0.07M - NADBank Grant: CAP
Other Funding Partners Maverick County