
Uvalde, Texas, USA

Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Expansion in Uvalde, Texas

Status: Completed


The city of Uvalde currently owns and operates a Municipal Solid Waste Landfill (MSWL) which serves the city, Uvalde County and Garner State Park. The facility is divided into three stages or cells: Stage “A,” which is the current operating cell; and Stages “B,” and “C,” which are future cells. The annual municipal solid waste volume accommodated at the
MSWL is approximately 19,000 tons, including construction debris and compacted cover material. At this deposition rate, the remaining life of Stage “A” is approximately one year, Stage “B” is eleven years, and Stage “C” is twelve years.

In order for the city to serve its MSWL customers, a new cell, Stage “B,” must be constructed and operational before Stage “A” is full.


This project involves the design and construction of Stage “B”, as well as the purchasing of equipment necessary for efficient operation of the landfill and brush and trash pick-up and handling.

Construction on Stage “B” began in December 2000 and was completed in September 2001.


The expansion of the MSWL allows the city to continue to serve its customers and minimizes the potential for illegal dumping in and around the city and county

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 3.42M
NADBank Funding US 0.5M - NADBank Grant: SWEP
Other Funding Partners Solid Waste Environment Program ( SWEP)
Certificated of Obligation