
Matamoros, Tamaulipas, Mexico

Regional Solid Waste Project for Matamoros and Vallehermoso, Tamaulipas

Status: Completed


At the end of 2005, the City of Matamoros was experiencing problems at its existing regional landfill site, including burning garbage. Complaints from residents of Matamoros and Brownsville, TX, related to air pollution problems. The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) sent official letters to the Tamaulipas State Environmental office as well as to SEMARNAT Office in Tamaulipas. Additionally, the community of Valle Heromoso did not have any practices for waste disposal management.


Increase proper solid waste disposal through the improvement of the infrastructure in the new regional landfill to comply with the existing norms, eliminate the risks associated with open dump sites as well as to facilitate proper solid waste management operations.


The original project scope was not fully reached as some of the elements included in the project were not implemented such as the construction of one transfer station in Matamoros and the closure of the open dumpsite in Valle Hermoso. Additionally, during field visits, there was minimal evidence of equipment acquisition with only one backhoe and the transfer station dump truck observed in operation.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 8.56M
NADBank Funding US 2M - NADBank Grant: SWEP

Project Photos