
Praxedis G. Guerrero , Chihuahua, Mexico

Wastewater Collection and Treatment Project in Praxedis G. Guerrero, Chihuahua

Status: Completed


In 2007, sewer service coverage in Praxedis was estimated at 70%.  Water users not connected to the sewer system disposed of their wastewater in latrines and septic tanks.  Moreover, there was no wastewater treatment.  The existing sewer system discharged untreated wastewater into two lift stations, one of which was out of service.  The other station pumped the untreated wastewater into an agricultural canal that emptied into an open-air drainage ditch that ran parallel to the Rio Grande for about 31 miles. 

Project Scope

The project consisted of the expansion and rehabilitation of the wastewater collection system and the construction of a wastewater treatment plant based on a stabilization pond system for the community of Praxedis G. Guerrero, Chihuahua.


The project provided wastewater collection and treatment service to 100% of the community, thus eliminating potential health and environmental risks associated with raw sewage.  It also reduced the potential for groundwater and surface water contamination by eliminating the use of latrines, septic tanks and wastewater discharges to open-air drains. 

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 2.96M
NADBank Funding US 0.28M - NADBank Loan
US 0.50M - NADBank Grant: BEIF
Other Funding Partners Junta Central de Agua y Saneamiento del Estado de Chihuahua (JCAS)
Mexican federal water commission, CONAGUA