
San Isidro, Chihuahua, Mexico

Water and Wastewater Collection Project in San Isidro, Chihuahua

Status: Completed


Water and sewer service coverage in San Isidro is estimated at 70% and 32%, respectively. Water users not connected to the sewer system dispose of their wastewater in latrines and septic tanks. There is currently no wastewater treatment.

The water system consists of two deep wells located in San Isidro and Loma Blanca, each with a pump station working 16 hours a day except during the winter months and chlorine disinfection equipment, which is not in working order. In addition, high energy costs from running the pump stations place a heavy financial burden on the utility.

The existing water distribution network is irregular, consisting of asbestos, cement and PVC pipes in diameters ranging from 2” to 8”, most of which were installed by the users themselves. The length of many connections, lack of valves and the variety of pipe diameters have resulted in poor control and low efficiency in the repair of leaks.
Moreover, the water supply system does not have adequate pressure or capacity.

The existing sewer system is in fair condition; however, most of the streets in San Isidro are unpaved, which allows large quantities of garbage and dirt to enter the sewer system and clog the lines. Part of the collected wastewater was being sent to a treatment plant; but that plant is no longer operational. As a result untreated sewage is discharged into an
open-air agricultural canal.

The proposed Project will directly address these issues by providing water and sewer services to 100% the community’s population.


The purpose of the project is to rehabilitate and expand the water distribution and wastewater collection systems in areas that are currently unserved. The project consists of the following main components.

Water distribution system:

  • Construction of 70,321 linear feet of waterlines
  • Improvements to pumping system
  • Construction of an elevated storage tank and a regulating tank
  • Installation of 66 metered household connections
  • Installation of a chlorination system.

Wastewater collection system:

  • Construction of 92,300 linear feet of gravity sewer lines
  • Installation of 919 household connections

A wastewater treatment plant will be constructed at a later stage once the collection system is nearing completion.


This project will provide reliable water and wastewater services to 100% of the community, thus eliminating potential health and environmental risks associated with the lack of potable water and contact with raw sewage. It will also reduce the potential for groundwater and surface water contamination by eliminating the use of latrines, septic tanks, and wastewater discharges to open-air drains. In addition, new pump equipment will reduce energy consumption.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 2.22M
NADBank Funding US 0.73M - NADBank Grant: BEIF
Other Funding Partners Junta Central de Agua y Saneamiento del Estado de Chihuahua (JCAS)
Comisión Nacional del Agua (CONAGUA)