
Heber, California, USA

Water Treatment Plant Expansion and Improvements to the Wastewater Collection and Water Distribution Systems Heber, California

Status: Completed


The Heber Public Utility District (HPUD) owns and operates the water and wastewater treatment facilities. In 1999, the district initiated a project to expand and upgrade its wastewater treatment plant. However, that project did not address deficiencies in the wastewater collection system, or in the water supply and distribution system.

Portions of the existing water treatment plant are over 25 years old and have reached their maximum hydraulic treatment capacity. Some hydraulic units have reached the end of their service life and are in need of replacement due to deterioration. In addition, undersized lines
throughout the distribution system, faulty isolation valves, and inadequate pressure levels impair water service and fire protection. These concerns have caused the California State Department of Health Services (DHS) to place a moratorium on new connections to the water system.

The wastewater collection system in many of the older sections of Heber has been in place for decades and is in need of upgrading. Undersizedlines in parts of the collection system have resulted in overloaded lines and uncontrolled discharges of raw sewage from manholes.


To correct these deficiencies and bring the plant into compliance with state water quality and health regulations, the utility is undertaking a project to upgrade and expand its water treatment and distribution system, as well as its wastewater collection system.

Water Treatment Improvements

  • Construction of a new package water treatment plant and a new
    finished water pumping station to expand treatment capacity from
    1.7 to 2.0 million gallons per day (MGD).
  • Rehabilitation of the storage lagoons berms.
  • Replacement of the raw water pumps and mains.
  •  Removal of on storage tank.
  • Construction of an office and laboratory building.
  • Installation of back-up power generation.

Water Distribution System Improvements

  • Installation of an emergency backup power generation system for
    the finished water pumps.
  • Replacement of 7,000 linear feet of water distribution lines.
  • Installation of 36 new fire hydrants, 25 valves, and 110 service

Wastewater Collections System Improvements

  • Replacement of 8,379 linear feet of sewer lines with PVC pipe.
  • Replacement of one pump station.
  • Rehabilitation of the second pump station.


Improvements to water treatment system will correct current deficiencies thereby bringing the plant into compliance with state health regulations and providing a better quality service to residents. Installation of a backup pump generator will also ensure continued water service in the event of a power outage. Improvements to the wastewater collection
system will help prevent overloaded lines and uncontrolled discharges of raw sewage from manholes.

Project Financing

Total Project Cost US 6.88M
NADBank Funding US 4.14M - NADBank Grant: BEIF
Other Funding Partners Border Environment Infrastructure Fund ( BEIF)
United States Department of Agriculture Rural Development (USDA - RD)